Genetics and Astrology – Part 2

Genetics and Astrology – Part 2

In previous articles we have mentioned genetics, DNA and their relationship with astrology. The case study that we analyzed in the last webinar clearly demonstrated the relationship between DNA and astrology.
But in that analysis, something was left unanswered, which was the relationship of the DNA, which is ‘created’ at the moment of conception between the two strands of DNA of the parents, with the birth chart of the baby, which occurs nine months later.

Is there predeterminism? How can you explain this direct relationship between these two things that take place at different times?

Through the study being carried out by the Microsoft company (the link to the article is at the bottom) it was proven that information can be saved in the DNA from an external device and then extracted while maintaining the integrity of the information. A process similar to what happens when one records something on the computer (on a disk or in the cloud) and then this information is retrieved from where it is located.

This study confirms what was said, that DNA has ‘stored’ information and that information was used for the development of our body and mind. Although before it was not well explained how or why this occurred, now we have the answer. The information is ‘recorded’ into the DNA strand at conception time.
A fusion process occurs, which in computer language is called ‘merging’, in which a third file can be generated by extracting information from two other existing files, under some rule that determines what data to copy or ignore.
That is what happens at the time of conception, it is an automatic mechanical process. Neither of the two parents involved have control of it.

When in an article we mentioned that the human being created the computer in his image and likeness, the result of the Microsoft study reaffirms this concept.

In one of the previous articles, we presented the question if in the DNA, apart from the information about what we are from the color of our eyes to the diseases we could contract, if the cycles of our life were also present, which are clearly marked in our natal chart, something that astrology defines as transits.

Given the similarity of the genetic study and the birth chart that we saw in the webinar, with the results of the Microsoft study we are closer to being able to affirm that information about our life cycles is also present within the DNA.
Why can we present this conclusion? Because everything we ‘are’ is included in the DNA. From our personal characteristics, the life cycles of our ancestors and our cycles during our existence in this plane.

Until some information comes out about antiquity that determines where astrology comes from, we can speculate that we are not living at the highest point of development as we are led to believe. With new scientific information the proof is right in front of us. He who wants to see, let him see.

Could it be that at some point the ancient civilizations reached a technological advance greater than what we have now and beyond their disappearance as such, the knowledge remained reserved and passed from generation to generation in certain circles?
It’s just speculation, but it’s worth asking.

With the existing information we can say that first the new DNA chain is created with the union of the sperm and the egg or zygote, and at the same time, in addition to the personal characteristics of the parents, the information of their life cycles is recorded.

If we look at existence as a continuum, or as an eternal experience, the cycles are not interrupted but intertwined between each other. No different than the life cycles a person goes through. The cycles of the planets repeat each one in its own time and form, but in a different position with respect to the rest. The cycles repeat but never are identical.

‘As above so below, as below so above’.

If in the natal chart of any person you can determine the astrological signs of the children they may have, and at what point in life they will arrive, since the sign of the children is given by the date of birth and not by the date of conception, this gives us additional information to relate the life cycles of the parents and the newborn baby.

Without a doubt, the DNA contains the life cycles of the person, we only have to discover where it is located. Part of the DNA is called ‘junk’, and it was defined like that simply by the lack of understanding of what it is.
Let’s do a logical analysis, in the same way that in a computer everything is designed down to the smallest detail to maximize ratio cost/performance, there are no parts that we could define as ‘garbage’ or that are left over. Who can design something with a flaw? It would be the height of inefficiency.

The human body simply cannot be created with things that do not have a purpose, in the same way that nature in its operation does not create things just to do something, nature does not create garbage, garbage as we know it is generated only by human beings.

It makes perfect sense that a person’s life cycles are included in the DNA as information. This would confirm to us that astrology is just a tool (as we always define it) that serves as a guide for helping to know ourselves and to know how to handle ourselves in the life cycles that we have to live through.
Under this concept, the moment of conception would also be influenced by the heavenly bodies, which will influence every moment of our lives. This would be confirmation that we are part of a ‘universal machine’, with us being a small cog within it. We have a purpose in everything.

Our free will be limited by all the existing conditions that we can clearly see both in the study of DNA and in the birth chart, but with an inalienable purpose of overcoming these limitations and exalting our strengths, to the point of elevating consciousness during our life and consequently, the improvement of the great universal machine.
We are part of the whole even if we do not understand it that way.

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