DNA & the Natal Chart

DNA & the Natal Chart

According to Wikipedia, DNA was first isolated by the Swiss physician Friedrich Miescher, who in 1869, discovered a microscopic substance in the pus of discarded surgical bandages.

According to The Human Genome Project, this was one of the great feats of exploration in history. An international team of researches worked tireless for sequencing and mapping all of the genes — together known as the genome — of members of our species Homo sapiens.
Beginning on October 1, 1990 and completed in April 2003, the HGP gave us the ability, for the first time, to read nature’s complete genetic blueprint for building a human being.

DNA carries the instructions for the development, growth, reproduction, and functioning of all life.
Differences in the genetic code are the reason why one person has blue eyes rather than brown, why some people are susceptible to certain diseases, why birds only have two wings, and why giraffes have long necks.

Astrology on the other hand, for what we know today, existed for more than four thousand years, and it has been practice by Kings, Pharaohs, Rulers, Popes and very well-known historical personalities since we have record.

Some see astrology as a divination tool, I don’t know how that got started but nothing could be further from the truth. Astrology is just a tool than can provide information regarding personal characteristics when we were born and the energy cycles during life based on the natal chart. The actions taken by each person are completely their own responsibility. Depending on those actions, there will be consequences, but keep in mind that energies will not materialize unless there is an action that channels that energy.

So much for predicting the future, which is not the purpose of this article.

With the findings of the Human Genome Project, now we know that our DNA contains a blue print of what we are. It details from our physical characteristics, to what most probably will be, the sickness that will takes us to our grave, if we don’t die in an accident.
This means that looking at our DNA and our social media anybody can have a complete understanding of our physical qualities, deficiencies and state of mind. With the information available today, there is no wondering around. We are transparent.

Now let us move to astrology. Our natal chart provides information very similar to the DNA. By reading the information on the chart, an astrologer can identify some physical characteristics; most of the psychological profile of the person at birth, what sickness is the person more prompt to have during life, including what most probably will cause its departure from this plane. (Including accidents).

Somebody may say nonsense! Charlatanry! Blasphemy! etc., etc.

If anybody accepts that DNA contains information that tailors our being, that contains what sickness we are prompted to and the rest, why is not wide knowledge that astrology has been providing similar information for millennia?

Reading the DNA is just information, just like reading a natal chart. It does not prevent anybody from getting sick, unless you take actions to diminish the challenging aspect you were born with. The same way that DNA changes through life because of your habits (physical and mental), the same way you can ‘evolve’ your challenging conditions stated in your natal chart. This process is commonly known as “evolution of consciousness”. In another words, you work to polish your rough edges.

At this point, if you are still reading but have some doubt, let me mention this, which is a personal experience.

I have done a large number of natal charts, mostly to people that I don’t know, some of then I don’t even know there faces because we talk on the phone, and every aspect of themselves that I mentioned, was right on target.
Some people they just can not believe that they can get so expose and open, regarding aspects of their lives which they don’t share with everybody, just by simply reading at the natal chart. I’m not a psychic, I come from a technological education and trade. Astrology was a hobby for me.

Many years ago, I disputed astrology because I thought it defied “free will”. It took me years to understand that yes, we have free will, but within certain limits that were set previously (physical contexture, family, country, education, gender and the rest).

In summary, you have to understand that DNA as well as the natal chart, they both provide information about your challenges and potentials you bring to this plane when you were born.
The actions taken from the time you had consciousness until today, marked the road you travel in your life. Depending of those actions taken, you may have changed or not your original DNA, as well as your original aspects present in the natal chart.

Something that astrology provides in addition to our natal profile is the energy cycles that you personally will go through life, based on your natal chart which is the starting of your energy cycles. Not too much different from a weather forecast.

If you know that is going to rain, most probably you will not go for a day at the beach.
Consider that if we are not aware of our personal’s energy cycles, it could happen that in our life, we decide to go to the beach on a stormy day. Don’t blame the weather!

Summarizing, astrology provides additional information that the Genome Project does not, unless that information is also stored in our DNA but it was not mentioned.

About human DNA



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