Evolution and Pluto

Evolution and Pluto

Human beings are constantly searching for answers, and especially in search of how to live or feel good and fulfilled. Beyond the economic and political and to a lesser extent religious problems that occupy most of our existence, we find ourselves living at an end of the cycle of human existence as we know it, of which we can only have a vague idea of what was before and what will come next.
We know of great civilizations that existed before us, and we can only speculate about their dimension, trying to interpret how they lived or what level of development they reached, and more importantly, understand why they disappeared.

Those we call Ancient Egyptians who built the pyramids are not the same ones who today live in the same place and share cars and camels on the same city street.
As witness to human development throughout history, there is no doubt that the only thing that remains after a cycle is over, are certain structures of what they were at probably their highest point in development.

Now let’s look at our present situation and what our future could be.

Pluto is leaving the sign of Capricorn and without a doubt, it will leave its mark leaving the vestiges of the structures that managed the world for the last 240 years to remember.
We need to look at the previous departure of Pluto from the sign of Capricorn to understand what we are talking about.
As we know and mention frequently, we live under repeating cycles, but very rarely does a cycle end in the same conditions as the previous one. This is because the other planets that we consider at a mundane level each have their own cycle. Pluto has a cycle of 240 years, Neptune of 120 years and Uranus of 84 years, all relative with small variations.
That at the astrological level of the solar system.

But also, we have to consider that the solar system rotates around the center of the galaxy and this in turn moves in relation to the universe. Even if the same conditions exist at the solar system level, other variables intervene at the universal level. Those influences also reach us in some way.
Astrology only focuses on the solar system and certain stars, which is more than enough for what we represent in the universe as carbon units. It is our immediate celestial environment.
What was mentioned before is just to position ourselves in time and space at the moment we are living.

If we go back to the previous cycle of Pluto, in January 1778 Pluto entered the sign of Aquarius. That began a period of change, especially in America, and had its consequences in Europe. The independence of the countries in America from European reigns began. It wasn’t overnight, it was a process that took time, but it was the beginning of something new.

Throughout history, what we know as Europe, took different forms depending on wars, invasions, alliances, and marriages between royalties from different places. There was no definition of country as we know today.

What emerged in America was completely different since people began to talk about countries and democracy. Democracy was not a new concept since it came from the Greeks, although with changes less elitist of what it was originally.
With the French Revolution there was talk of human rights, something that really differed from any previous political discourse. The United States Constitution even talked about the right to happiness!

One may not take dimensions of the process of change that occurred at that time with the departure of Pluto from Capricorn and the entry into Aquarius, but it was significant. Pluto broke with the previous concept of monarchy or the feudal system, moving to a participatory and liberal system.

All the monarchies that exist today are a vestige of something meaningless since it gives someone the right by just having a blood relationship regardless of their capacity, something that today with the advance of genetics it could even be determined that some infidelity on the part of the Queen made prince the son of the tax collector instead of the King. Just this possibility gives the dimension of the meaningless rules under which people lived.

At present time, we find ourselves at the end of a cycle and beyond the speed of information and social networks, changes will take a couple generations to fully materialize.

What can we expect from this new cycle?

In the same way that the kings fell from power, today’s political structures as we know them will fall. Politics will always exist since it is the only way that we know to exchange opinions in search of improving things, but ‘politics’ as we know it will be done in a different way.
Today we got to the point that looks like the previous period of the kings. In those days the king could dispose of the property or people of his subjects, and you couldn’t say anything, or they would cut off your head. Today some politicians have claimed that same attribute, but in a more modern way.

Many of them think they are above the law and everything they do cannot be judged by others. The difference between monarchy and democracy was that in monarchy someone defined who the king was whether people liked it or not, while politicians are ‘elected’ by the people. But it seems that most politicians, once elected, instead of taking their place to work to improve the conditions of the people, sit on the throne as if they had the ‘crown’, and cling to their throne. making any type of alliances with whoever or changing political parties among others.

Pluto represents the Phoenix Bird; it burns and is reborn from the ashes. Rebirth does not mean returning in the same way that left, since precisely if something had to leave it was because there was not more use for it. Just think that evolution is the objective of the game.
That’s what cycles are for, to elevate, to improve in search of greater and better things.

In conclusion, Pluto entering the sign of Aquarius is the end of a cycle, and we are in it already.

The best way to approach it, is by going with the flow of new energy to avoid suffering the effects of the change. We need to leave behind the attachments, objectively review each belief that we have and start detaching from things from the past that have become obsolete, stale and without energy. They are not part of the evolution process; they are the problem. Work to get them out of your life.

Change has already started.

Until next time!

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