For what is happening in the world, we can look back in the last 500 years, and we can foresee what changes are going to take place.

There was war between European kingdoms before and after America was discovered. There was war for the colonies’ independence from European kingdoms in the new world. Later was a civil war in the US, and then was WW I and II.

Every one of those periods ended up shaping the structure of territories and centers of power. At one point, the English empire was everything, as well as the Spanish, Portuguese and French just to mention few. They all came and went leaving each one of them marks of their culture and customs far from their main soil where they started.

We started the 21st century with the US being the only power in the world after the fall of the Soviet Union.

Twenty-four year in this century and we see the US been challenged by China and Russia, commercially and militarily. It is unthinkable that a super power like the US can lose its status, but looking at history what can be different this time around.

At the references, you will find the previous articles talking about the astrological aspects that affected or are influencing the US. These all are aspects that going back in history relates to significant past events, so we can expect something similar this time around.

Coincidentally or not, everything started with the entry of Pluto in the sign of Capricorn in 2008-2009. The financial crisis almost brought the world economy to their demise, in the terms of capitalism and globalization. The fall of Lehman Brothers founded in 1850 should have been taken more into consideration. What happened was the consequences of a system corrupt beyond repair.

Pluto drives a process of destruction and regeneration when something is outdated and it already finish its productive cycle. That was the time to change the financial system by bringing something different. Governments took the wrong actions, which put the US Dollar in the current situation where other denominations are been used for international trade. Something unthinkable twenty year ago. History does not happen in one day, it takes time to show the results, but the consequences of wrongful actions eventually show.

Following what happened in 2008-2009, was the eclipse of January 2020. The pandemic. Again, all the wrong decisions were made by most of the governments, stopping the free movement of people and affecting the world economy more, considering that it never fully recover from the previous financial crisis. Similar to the actions taken after the financial crisis, the results where bad in every sense of the word.

Pluto’s return in the US natal chart, speaks of similar situation of its independence period. There was and it is a period of profound transformation. From colonies to an independent union in 1776, to global power to something else in the near future.

Neptune opposition in transit to natal Neptune has also its profound significance. The previous time this condition occurred, an event happened which was the prelude to what is known as the Civil War (The North against the South).

The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine also is part of the equation considering the solar eclipse that happened in October 25th, 2022, which not only included aspects that could expand the conflict, but the solar shade happened over the conflict zone. Too much of a coincidence.

All this information is sufficient to conclude that there is something brewing that has a high probability of expanding to a worldwide-armed conflict, and by the forecast of Biden’s presidential inauguration, all the aspects point to and internal as external conflicts for the US during his four years term.

It should not be a surprise if enemies of the US take advantage of the current conditions, after all, all the military manuals say that you wait until your enemy is in its weaken and most vulnerable point to attack.

Winston Churchill said, ‘Those you fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it’


Changes in the United States and the world

The US and its Transformation

Fall of Vietnam, Fall of Afghanistan

Nuclear War

US Presidential Inauguration

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