The Beliefs

The Beliefs

The natal chart contains information about different components of who we are, from the physical to the mental. DNA contains similar information.
The natal chart and the transits show the cycles through which one goes through life, perhaps is not known yet, but the DNA may also contain information about the life cycles.
DNA is made up of a combination of information from the parent’s DNA; the natal chart is constructed from birth data, regardless of who the parents are.

DNA is defined for the person at the time of the union of the sperm and an ovarian egg. From that union the cell division begins, meaning that the characteristics of the person were determined at conception time.

The natal chart is made from information from birth, the DNA was established nine months prior that moment, but for some strange condition the natal chart and the DNA contain similar information. Is there some predeterminism in things? We will analyze this topic some other time.

We are referring now to the beginning of things, that is, especially from the birth of the human being. Generally, the environment where one’s grow is not well taken into consideration, but is a determining factor in the development and future that the person may have.

Suppose someone is born in a Jewish home, the person beliefs and behavior will be conditioned by the instructions received from a young age and it would be completely different from someone who was born in an Islamic home.
But things are not that simple, because the mere fact of being born in a Jewish or Islamic home is not definitive, since within each of them there are great differences such as for the Jews: The Orthodox, which are divided into Haredi and Modern Orthodox, Conservative (Msorti) and others; while Muslims can be: Sunni, Shi’a, Ibadi, Ahmadiyya, or Sufists.

Each human being born in any of the groups mentioned above will have ‘beliefs’ and will approach life in a different way among themselves as with Buddhists, Christians, Catholics, atheists, and others. It has nothing to do with the natal chart or the DNA. Same can be said for different countries and cultures.

Whether we realize it or not, the place where we were born and the way we were raised is a determining factor for the development of our lives.

The natal chart tells us how we arrived at this plane, just like the DNA, but consider that moving forward in life will be conditioned by our ‘beliefs’.
According to how we were raised and have obtained our beliefs, we will think that something is ‘good or bad’, whether we like it or not, that it creates attraction or rejection in us.
Some people think they are conditioned by their natal chart, but in reality, they are more conditioned by their beliefs than by their DNA and natal chart.

All our ‘beliefs’ do is separate us from our essence (DNA and natal chart) and lead us down a path of confrontation in life where we feel forced to take a stand on things. It covers all aspects of our life, from family, football, religion, politics, food, fashion to other things that occupy our existence.

In a previous article in our blog, we talked about achieving the ‘neutral’ or ‘observer’ state, which does not mean renounce to live, but living without taking a position on things, without judging, mainly from ego’s point of view (which has been programmed from birth).

When you are the observer, you analyze the situation and do not take sides. You understand where each position comes from, and you clearly see the faults in each side. None of them are 100% correct or true. There are only points of view being challenged. Of that situation there can be only temporary winers, like everything in life, time will proof otherwise.

We must consider that when we leave this plane of existence, we go like when we arrived, without any political, religious, or other beliefs we acquire along the way in our life. Not to mention our possessions and people related.

Beliefs are the conditions that can shape our life to the point that separates us from our essence, from what we really are. Beliefs are ‘earthly circumstances’ that all they do is generate ‘energies’ that surely are food for someone, or those someone just benefit themselves by conditioning our existence.

A Spanish-speaking singer, author and philosopher said very wisely, ‘you have to unlearn what you have learned.‘ In this simple phrase lies the secret of how to improve our lives, but to understand it, we must first put our ego aside and be aware of our thoughts and actions at all times. Nothing easy to do with so many activities, worries and distractions that surround us daily.

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