Javier Milei – President Elect of Argentina

In August 2019 we did an astrological analysis of what was coming in 2020. We defined the article ‘January 2020 – Global Institutional Crisis’. In the article we spoke about the world’s economic and political upheaval of the moment and it consequences.

When Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008-2009 and created the global financial problem was because the world financial system was broken. One bubble after another one. We needed a new system.
At that time, the powers at be decided that instead of creating a new financial system, they decided to start printing money like there was no tomorrow. It was like throwing gasoline to the fire.
Going back to our article from August 2019, and based on the astrological aspects, we were expecting most governments around the world, corporations and global organizations were going to suffer a crack.
It was later in January 2020, also based on the astrological aspects, that we saw the possibility of a pandemic like in 1918.

All the political and economic problems were put aside because of the pandemic but any anyway the global institutional crisis occurred. No government was prepared to handle the crisis, corporations suffered (with few exceptions), people suffered.

We all learned long time ago that Democracy was freedom, rule of law, freedom to travel, freedom to commerce and freedom of speech, always considering the right of others.

Well during 2020 and 2021 governments around the world and global institutions decided that they have full power of every human being on this planet, and they could force everyone to do as they said.

Argentina had one of the worst lookdowns on the planet. People and businesses suffered the iron fist of the government. People were not allowed to see their loved ones for the last time!
In the meantime the president was having a birthday party with friends, something that also happened in the UK and the US just to mention a few.
People lack down and Politian’s celebrating.

What gave the governments around the world the power to act like that? Nobody, they decided that democracy was not something that can be applied, under the excuse of a sanitary emergency. You are a fool to decide for yourself, but you are smart enough to vote for them.

So, democracy becomes something that can be used only when people must vote to select their representatives, that’s it. Freedom of movement, freedom of speech, freedom to commerce is something that is not guaranteed.

Going back to Argentina, Javier Milei, a very knowledgeable economist, an outsider of politics, on November 19th became the president elect of Argentina with 55% of the votes.

The pollical establishment worldwide surprised, except for very few.
This happens because the political class in general are living out of touch with the feeling of people. They live in their bubble and in their own virtual reality, thinking that they can do as they please because people elected them. Wrong!

From the astrological point of view, Pluto relates to atomic power, dramatic changes and in mythology with the Phenix Bird, which burns and is reborn from its ashes.
Pluto is not going to go out of Capricorn (which is ruled by Saturn, which rules government and corporate structures, rule of law, limitations, responsibility, and hard work to mention the most important), without cleaning house first. And this will happens in the next few months.
Pluto tried to put the house in order when it entered Capricorn in 2008-2009, and it was ignored. Now we are going to suffer the consequences of the wrong actions taken, especially affecting the political class.

In Argentina the political establishment is in the eye of the storm. This may have replications effects creating a ‘pandemic of ousted politicians’ around the world. No vaccine for that.

We are at the end of a cycle, take it or leave it.

January 2020 – Global Institutional Crisis

Coronavirus 2020 – Spanish Flu 1918

When time stopped

Changes in the United States and the world


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