Valentine’s Day?

Valentine’s Day?

Usually, we don’t present articles based on monthly astrological aspects, unless they may need to be considered.

The days following the new moon on February 9th, will have certain planetary aspects, which can affect people’s love life as well as activating acts of violence, whether on a personal level or in general. The same, we cannot rule out problems in the financial sector.

Given that the topic of money and love is what worries us almost daily, and the active conflicts in different parts of the world have the possibility of unifying and starting the Third World War, we thought it was necessary to talk about it.

The planetary conditions that occur are the following:

The Stellium (conjunction of 3 planets) between Pluto, Mars and Venus square the Moon. This occurs on Valentine’s Day celebration on February 14th. The new Moon occurs a few days before, so this is an energy for activating processes.
At the same time, Uranus, which rules sudden and rapid changes, is squaring the Sun and Mercury.

Those celebrating Valentine’s Day with their loved one, be very careful with what they say, given the possibility of misunderstandings and discussions that can go off the rails and lead to fights or breakups.

Pluto rules the processes of deep transformation and when its conjuncts Mars the process is explosive. Mars, god of war, fire and iron, produces a very powerful combination, which if not controlled can have serious consequences. Venus is conjunct Pluto and Mars and hence can affect love relationships.

Venus also rules money, so Uranus’s squaring the Sun and Mercury can relate to problems with finances, commerce, and travel.

In short, mid-February could be complicated in many aspects, and we will have to take care of ourselves in every way. A lot of negative energy will be in the environment.

Let’s hope that sanity prevails, and global events do not arise that could expand the current military confrontations because these would have very serious consequences. On a personal level, one should be more in control of what one thinks, says, and does.

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3 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day?

  • Thank you for this! I have a sense of things resting on a hair trigger these days, and a strange fated quality to it all. I’ve been reading your work (including your book) for a few years now. Good to see you still post links to here on zerohedge.

    • Susan, your comment is much appreciated! I don’t comment often, but when events ring an alert is good to have another source of information. I know some people do not take seriously things related to astrology, but is understandable. Just in case, Let’s prepare for the worst and hope for the best!

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